Quality Policy

At Magnesia, maintaining highest levels of quality is our core agenda and this helps us deliver the right product and create excellence in everything we do translating into enhanced product development, effective management techniques and high degree of professionalism.
Our Production facilities deploy state-of-the-art technologies and automated facilities at crucial stages to ensure highest levels of process integrity and product quality. Our facilities have fully self-reliant Quality Control and our Research & Development Lab is equipped with sophisticated testing apparatuses to ensure conformance to stringent quality standards. Our facilities have successfully undergone thorough inspections by relevant accreditation bodies thus enabling appropriate approvals. 

Safety Policy

At Magnesia, safety is an essential element of our business culture. This extends to all aspects of a production unit and the area where it is located, starting with infrastructural, employee, environmental and community safety. Starting with the employee induction to maintaining continuous training programmes on various aspects of operational safety, a number of initiatives have been designed to ensure that all manufacturing processes are diligently followed and systems adhered to in the safest manner. 

Environment Sustainability

We are a responsible Company with honorable objectives to Sustain, Grow, Prosper and Share. We appreciate that we cannot alienate ourselves from the eco-system and have to give back what we take and have been generously granted by Mother Earth. We are fully aware that we operate in a sector that has a significant impact on the environment. We are greatly obligated to use resources judiciously and manage our solid waste, liquid effluents and gaseous emissions effectively.
Our Company has organized a tree plantation drive in and around the area where our factory is located. We have built a huge water reservoir to collect rain water and conserve it for the use and benefit of farmers in the locality.

CSR Program

At Magnesia, it is our firm belief that enhancing the social well-being of individuals would add a lot more meaning to our overall business existence. Caring for the people and the community has therefore been an important aspect of our business philosophy. We are happy that we have influenced the lives of several people in the vicinity of our facilitates through the several initiatives and programmes undertaken by our Company. Our Company has set up Healthcare support and Medical checkup for the locals. We have organised literacy programs for villagers and constructed primary education schools for children in the locality. The setting up of factory has created ample employment opportunities for the skilled and unskilled among the local population.